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Tumpek Uduh

Tumpek Uduh

Tumpek Uduh, Tumpek Pengatag, or Tumpek Wariga, is an event on Bali Island dedicated to Sanghyang Sangkara, the god of food.

This event is held 25 days before Galungan, a significant festival held once every 210 days. On this day, offerings are made to this god to invoke blessings on the land. These offerings constitute crops and farm products from the many plantations scattered across the island.

Tumpek Uduh, 2025 Dates, Bali Earth Day Celebrations & Festival

The locals usually engage in this traditional festival by placing their varied offerings at the base of select trees on the island. Some will even go further and prepare porridge, which is poured on the trees.

This ritual aims to remind the locals of the importance of plants and natural vegetation as a source of food for the locals. The idea behind Tumpek Uduh also revolves around pleasing Sanghyang Sangkara and asking for guidance on the cultivation, growth, harvesting and preservation of the plants.

Visitors on the island around this period will be happy to discover that the festivals also promote an appreciation for human beings’ harmonic lives worldwide.

The best comparison to this day would be the global celebration of Earth Day. Balinese locals grasped the importance of conserving nature and preserving the environment well before the rest of the world figured it out. This passing on traditions from one generation to another is another marvel for visitors who want to enjoy Tumpek Uduh.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Bali Travel Hub website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having travelled to Bali many times and staying in different locations on the Island), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

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What date is the Tumpek Uduh?
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Ceremonies are conducted at temples and villages around the Island, Bali, Indonesia

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